The ROBINSON General Assembly at Month 48 came to an end!
This week, ROBINSON Project Partners gathered in Eigersund, Norway to discuss the current status of the project and the next activities in the upcoming months
1️⃣ The meetings on Day 1 (Wednesday, 25 September) were kindly hosted by project partner Energy Innovation – NORWAY. Following an in-depth discussion of the ROBINSON Objectives status, Project Partners hold a meeting with relevant local stakeholders of the region (including Flex2power, Stavanger kommune, Rogaland fylkeskommune, Innovasjon Norge, Eigersund kommune, Nordic Edge). During the event, future spin-offs of the project were discussed.
2️⃣ At the beginning of Day 2, Project Partners visited the demonstration site at PRIMA PROTEIN AS. More in detail, project partners joined a guided tour to Aurelia Turbines A400, the AD-BES (jointly produced by Hysytech s.r.l. and Leitat Technological Center), and the hydrogen production facility of Dalane Energi.
3️⃣ The meetings on Day 2 continued at Dalane Energi facilities, where the Consortium defined the upcoming tasks to be completed and the future beyond the ROBINSON project

Stay tuned to know more on ROBINSON future advancements!