
ROBINSON Islands Energy Forum


The first ROBINSON Islands Energy Forum takes place on Thursday, 15 October 2020 from 9 am till 12.30 pm CEST. Programme of the day: 9:00 – 10:30        Welcome and introduction to the Forum ROBINSON – Smart integRation Of local energy sources and innovative storage for flexiBle, secure and cost efficIent eNergy Supply ON industrialized islands […]

ROBINSON Islands Energy Forum – March 2021

Join us for the first ROBINSON Islands Energy Forum of 2021! The ROBINSON Islands Energy Forum will take place on 9th March 2021, from 3 pm till 4.30 pm CET.   If your island wishes to attend the Forum, do not hesitate to contact us! Just write us an email: The bimonthly ROBINSON Islands […]

ROBINSON Islands Energy Forum – April 2021

Join us for our next ROBINSON Islands Energy Forum! The ROBINSON Islands Energy Forum will take place on 21st April 2021, from 3 pm till 4.30 pm CEST.   If your island wishes to attend the Forum, do not hesitate to contact us! Just write us an email: The bimonthly ROBINSON Islands Energy Forum […]

Flag of Europe This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 957752.
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