The Clean Energy for EU Islands (CE4EUI) Secretariat has open to EU islands a call for technical assistance. This is a unique opportunity for all EU islands, independently from the advancement status of their clean energy transition. Indeed, the CE4EUI will provide different types of support based on the specific needs of each island:
▪ EXPLORE: aimed at islands that are just starting their energy transition building a coalition of the willing, defining an island energy vision and exploring possible transition pathways for their islands.
▪ SHAPE: the shape support takes an investor’s point of view and helps islands to outline a pipeline of clean energy projects. Aimed at islands that are already shaping concrete action plans and individual projects, the “Shape support” aims to develop an action plan that is ready for financing.
▪ ACT: the “Act support” will help islands ready to act with the development phase, including tendering and structuring financing packages.
More information on the different concrete actions within the “Explore”, “Shape”, and “Act” packages, as well as eligibility criteria and tips for a successful application can be found in the Guide for applicants for technical support.
The deadline to submit a proposal for this first call closes at 23.59 CET on 4th May 2021. All interested islands should submit their application via the specific online form. Islands are invited to make use of the available self-assessment tool when preparing their application.
An eligible application requires the support from at least two stakeholders from two different stakeholder groups. One of the stakeholders needs to be a public authority or a civil society organisation. All the public and community-led entities established in the Member States of the European Union, including their Outermost Regions, are eligible.
The successful project will be announced during the Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum (20-21 May 2021 – registrations are currently open). A second call will be launched in February 2022.